How do Microplastics Get into Drinking Water? Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that can make their way into people’s drinking water and other water sources. Too small to see with the naked eye, these particles usually measure between 5 to 500 micrometers (0.0002 – 0.00625 inches) wide and make up about 90% of the total number of plastic particles in seawater. They are commonly found in our environment, but scientists have recently discovered that they are also present in drinking water. Microplastics can result from the breakdown of larger plastic pieces or from washing synthetic textiles. Microplastics’ physical shape and chemical nature make them difficult to filter out during water treatment. These minuscule particles may affect human health via ingestion or exposure to contaminated dust from air pollution. 1. Surface run-off The most common sources of microplastics in our environment are on roadsides, beaches, and sewage-con...