
Showing posts from September, 2024

Hard Water: What It Is, Causes, Effects & Why You Should Be Concerned

Image Hard water, rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, is a common household issue for many. This mineral-rich water forms naturally as rainwater travels through underground layers of limestone, chalk, or gypsum, absorbing minerals along its path. This process often leads to various household challenges, distinguishing hard water from its softer counterpart, which contains fewer minerals.  If you’ve noticed stubborn soap scum in your shower, cloudy stains on your glassware, or mineral buildup on faucets, chances are you’re dealing with hard water. The severity of hard water depends mainly on the mineral composition in your region, which varies based on local geology. Reasons Why Water Turns Hard Hard water primarily arises from the natural interaction between rainwater, mineral-rich soil, and rocks. As water filters through the ground, it picks up minerals like calcium and magnesium. Area